
뛰어난 정확도의 고감도 스캐너
- 내장된 Keyboard Emulator
- 16bit CMOS CPU
- 스캔속도 100스캔/초당
- 인체공학적 디자인

  - 인체공학적 설계로 탄생한 날렵한 곡선디자인
- 스캐너와 바디사이를 이어주는 USB단선을 차단하는 스프링 설계방식
- 각종 라이트, 스캔 작동 시 불이 켜집니다.
- 심플하고 날렵한 인체공학적 설계로 최상의 작업환경을 제공
- 그립감을 최우선으로 하는 설계로 작업시 손목 피로도를 최소화 하였습니다.
  1000K (K-B Wedge) 1000R (RS-232) 1000U (USB)
Electrical Voltage 5V +/- 10% (at scanner end)
Power Consumption      
Operation (Maximum) 85mA 90mA 110mA
Operation (Typical) 75mA 80mA 100mA
Environmental Temperature 0 ~ 50°C (operation) / -20 ~ 60°C (storage)
Humidity 20 ~ 90% non-condensing (operation) / 10 ~ 95% non-condensing (storage)
Shock Resistance 100cm drops onto a concrete surface
Physical Weight 250g 260g 265g
Housing ABS plastic
Switch Rubber switch
Color Ivory
Optical Optical Sensor 2048 Pixel
Light Source Red LED (660nm)
Resolution 0.125mm
Depth of Field 0 ~ 10mm
Width of Field 67mm
PCS 0.45 or more
Scanning Engine 100 scans/sec
Scanning Angle Front 40° ; rear 70°
Left & right 25° to 25°
Ambient Light Rejection 1200 lux (Direct sun-light)
2500 lux (Fluorescent light)
Features Keyboard Auto-detection Built-in keyboard emulator for laptop (Phony Keyboard included)
Symbology Supported Code 39 / Full ASCII, Codabar, Italy Pharma Code, Industrial 2 of 5, Interleave 2 of 5, Matrix 2 of 5, Code 93, Code 128, EAN 128, MSI, EAN 8 & 13, UPCA & E, Plessey
Decoder 16-bit CMOS CPU
Indicator Buzzer Frequency programmable and can be disabled
Indicator LED Red Color for Good Read ; Green Color for Status
Programmable Features Code ID, Prefic Code, Postfix Code, Length Code, Barcode type, Keyboard layout, ISBN/ISSN/UK Plessey conversion, Inter-character delay, Scanning mode, Terminal type, Language type, Time out, Baud rate, Data bit, Full/Half duplex
Data Editing Mode Three editing formats are supported.
The following conditions can be programmed : code type, data length and location.
Data can be divided into 6 Matching string fields.
Five additional fields can be programmed for each editing format.
User programmable field transmission sequence.
Languages Support English(US), English(UK), French, Italian, Belgian, Norwegian/Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, German.
Safety & Regulatory Approvals FCC class-A, CE, C-tick
Warranty 1 Year
사양은 사전 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다.

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